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Infinite loop of the intro video... nothing else!

Anomaly Warzone Earth ... for Android devices. Tablets from Amazon with Android 2.3 and higher including Kindle Fire. Soon for all Android devices, hopefully.

Infinite loop of the intro video... nothing else!

Postby twomby » Wed Feb 01, 2012 5:54 am


I purchased your game through the Humble Bundle today, and tried the Android version on my Le Pan TC970 Tablet (I know, it's not a bomb, but it runs other games smoothly). The intro video launches and is pretty smooth when I launch the game, but the problem is that... it plays in an infinite loop. If I touch the screen, it simply reloads the intro video from the begining. I never get into any Game selection/Option screen. The menu key will not do anything. I'd like to get out of this endless loop. I mean, your video is pretty neat, but I'd like to try the actual game as well.

I know my tablet is subpar, but games like Edge/World of Goo/Osmos play flawlessly on it so far. Have you heard any similar issues ? Maybe there's a quick fix to this ? Maybe I could also trash my tablet, but I got it for cheap and would have liked to try the game on it. Would be much grateful if anyone can point me in the right direction, I hope I can fix this!

The Le Pan Tablet has Android 2.2, 1ghz processor speed, and 512mb of Ram. I closed all other running applications, to no avail. Let me know if you need any additional details.

**UPDATE** Feb. 2, 2012: I have downloaded the most recent version posted on the Humble Bundle website to see if this would fix this issue. I am sorry to say that I experience the same exact video loop with this version. This post has 10 replies so far, I wish that the developer could just let us know that they are aware of the issue at this point, and that they plan to get it resolved, or at least update us, that would be much appreciated! Thanks!


Tommy Pilon
Quebec, Canada
Last edited by twomby on Fri Feb 03, 2012 5:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Infinite loop of the intro video... nothing else!

Postby targetbsp » Wed Feb 01, 2012 11:18 am

I don't know what version is included in HIB but that sounds like what was fixed on my phone in 1.09.

Unlike yours, my phone wasn't powerful enough to play the intro (only the sound) but I had the same problem that when I clicked, the intro would restart so I could never reach the menu. Now they got it working for me, the game itself runs great.

I think this game has lower requirements than World of Goo and Osmos (neither of which are supported on my phone) so they should be able to get this going for you. :)
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Re: Infinite loop of the intro video... nothing else!

Postby Tatsuhoshi » Wed Feb 01, 2012 5:43 pm

I am also having the same issue with the game purchased from the HumbleBundle for my Archos101T. I really enjoy this game on my Steam account and was excited to find out it had an Android release, until I encountered this problem. Please prod them to update the apk to 1.09 so that we can play it, too. Thank you.
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Re: Infinite loop of the intro video... nothing else!

Postby bdmarvel » Wed Feb 01, 2012 10:17 pm

I'm having the same issue with the humble bundle version on my Archos 70 internet tablet.
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Re: Infinite loop of the intro video... nothing else!

Postby IvanavI » Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:04 am

Also problems with the Humble Bundle version. First no intro video, only sound. Then menus work fine, but when I choose a mission, the game reloads the intro "video" and returns me to the start screen.

I downloaded my copy to the PC first (nasty data plan and speed), in case that affects the version (where can I find it anyway?).

LG GT540, Android 2.3.5.
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Re: Infinite loop of the intro video... nothing else!

Postby Tatsuhoshi » Thu Feb 02, 2012 11:09 am

I have just confirmed that the Humble Bundle version of the game is, indeed, version 1.09, the latest version of the game released. To find out your version number, go into settings - applications - manage applications and select Anomaly HD. Next to the icon on this window, you will see the version number, which is 1.09. That means that while this issue may have been fixed for other tablets, all of ours still have the issue. To help them resolve the issue for our devices, be sure to provide the make, model, and if necessary, model version, to the staff here, so that they can look into the problems.

I have two Android devices; the game works on neither (though I sort of expected that on my phone) They are:
- Archos 101T 16gb 10" Android 2.2 Internet Tablet
Issue: Infinite Loop on Intro, no menu, has sound, tapping resets to beginning of intro, game must be forced closed in the applications manager but does not appear in the active applications list
- T-Mobile Comet Android 2.2 Phone (I really don't expect this to be powerful enough to run it, though)
Issue: Blank screen, no sound, no menu, tapping does nothing, game must be forced closed in the application manager but does not appear in the active applications list

Hope this helps.
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Re: Infinite loop of the intro video... nothing else!

Postby IvanavI » Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:22 pm

An update, guys. I tried the game a few more times today and it was still a no go and then I did the most obvious thing - rebooted my phone - and I've just finished the first mission! 8-)
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Re: Infinite loop of the intro video... nothing else!

Postby targetbsp » Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:35 pm

Heh. I'd be interested to hear if this works for anyone else. because I was surprised that the update to 1.09 fixed it for me seeing as how the changelog implied no such thing. Maybe I'd just rebooted between trying my earlier version and 1.09 and the update had nothing to do with it??

Mind you, I couldn't even get as far as the menu!
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Re: Infinite loop of the intro video... nothing else!

Postby nbringer » Thu Feb 02, 2012 4:58 pm

Same problem with the infinite intro movie loop here.

I am using an Archos 70i.


I have the Humble Indie Bundle version.
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Re: Infinite loop of the intro video... nothing else!

Postby bdmarvel » Fri Feb 03, 2012 4:58 am

The Humble Indie Bundle version has been updated. I'm downloading now to see if it fixes the issue for me.

Update: Installing the Humble Indie Bundle version 1.11 didn't fix my problem. The intro video still loops. Tapping skips it, but it just starts up again in an endless loop. There is no menu. Whatever was fixed in version 1.11 didn't address this issue. Rebooting doesn't help.

I'm using an Archos 70 250 gig internet tablet with the latest firmware (2.4.82) and Android 2.2.1. Anomaly is listed in Android Market as compatible with this device.
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