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4 bugs on Roman, Garage, Decrepit Squat and ...

4 bugs on Roman, Garage, Decrepit Squat and ...

Postby howlingghost » Mon Dec 29, 2014 9:33 am

Hi peers and administrators,

I'd report 4 bugs I have come across in my recent This War of Mine playing:
1. Negative effects (sick and wound) on Roman will not be removed, even he is under good condition (sufficient sleep, cigarettes and food, no sad).
2.Huge bug in Garage. There is a spot under the bedroom where I can steal things infinitely. That room is under the sick father's bedroom, with a door locked. After opening the door, there are 3 spots with supplies, and the furthest one can recreate different things randomly. As long as I clean it up, when I come back the next night, it prepares other things for me! sometimes even meds, which the guy will pay me a lot for.
3. This bug happens only once. In Decrepit Squat, there is a hungry man begging me for some food. After I give him a piece of meat, he says he has something I may find interesting. Then he guides me to the spot where secret supplies will show up.
Bazinga! Nothing comes out! I tried to visit the next night, but it remained.
4.After I kill somebody jumping out from the shadow, I cannot hide back unless I move away from where I killed.
There are 2 more which I want to be changed:
5.I am not sure if this is a bug, but I still do not understand why it remains: the day log may change if I leave and load the game. Sometimes it changes a raided night to a calm one. Is this a mercy from the studio?
6.The largest number of my group is 4. No more people come to join us since we got 4. Actually, we can feed more refugees like 6 or 7.
7.It is strange for a sieged city to be short of every thing but electricity. Even in abandoned apart block, a TV set is still playing. Please add electric generator to the next version for electric facilities, and torch and flashlight for scavenge and guard.
8.Stove with unconsumed cooked food cannot work to melt snow. I hope this can be changed too.

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Joined: Mon Dec 29, 2014 8:21 am

Re: 4 bugs on Roman, Garage, Decrepit Squat and ...

Postby Chucksteel » Thu Jan 01, 2015 4:51 am

howlingghost wrote:Hi peers and administrators,

3. This bug happens only once. In Decrepit Squat, there is a hungry man begging me for some food. After I give him a piece of meat, he says he has something I may find interesting. Then he guides me to the spot where secret supplies will show up.
Bazinga! Nothing comes out! I tried to visit the next night, but it remained.


I've noticed this bug only happens if you remove the door barricades before offering him some food. It seems to be a pathing issue where if he doesn't have to take the long way down he forgets to show the location of the loot.

Not 100% sure but I was having the issue myself and tried not opening the door for him and it worked two games in a row.
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Joined: Sat Nov 29, 2014 12:02 am

Re: 4 bugs on Roman, Garage, Decrepit Squat and ...

Postby wimspree » Tue Jun 14, 2022 1:12 am

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Re: 4 bugs on Roman, Garage, Decrepit Squat and ...

Postby wimspree » Mon Oct 10, 2022 4:45 am

Posts: 108747
Joined: Sun Jun 12, 2022 7:20 am

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