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Dear 11 Bit Studios

Dear 11 Bit Studios

Postby VON » Sun Jan 25, 2015 11:13 pm

Dear 11 Bit Studios,

Firstly, I would like to thank you for the game that is This War of Mine. As of writing, I have currently fully played through two games, and have been thoroughly interested in everything that has ensued. I have also cannonballed into another game, so there is still plenty of hours left for me to play! :mrgreen:

So, on to my actual business. I would like to post some ideas for This War of Mine.


So, after playing the game, and also watching/reading about other people's experiences, I came to the conclusion that one of the main flaws that I personally find in this game is that, despite being a rather interactive universe, the game is in fact fairly static. As to say, whilst people move around and scavenge, trade etc., I find that the actual world hardly changes. An exemption would be the Hospital, which is what I want to base my idea around.

My idea is that perhaps there is a way to have more, similar, events, which I believe would make sense considering all of the mentions of mortar shelling, but only one notable instance where there is a change in an environment. Specifically in relation to Our Shelter, I would like an event where the topmost floor, which I can assume is rarely ever used after looting it, where a mortar hits the floor, opening a hole in the roof and generating rubble piles/ loot piles. Furthermore, this hole could then lower raid resistance, until it is boarded/repaired.

Whilst this may seem to only be an inconvenience, I feel that events such as this, or anything in the background such as the sniper of Sniper Junction, would add a greater sense of emersion, as you are watching and being affected by otherwise mentioned aspects of the war. Perhaps such events would have an notice, such as Crime Outbreak, so that at some point in a play-through, the shelter actually develops as a result of the war.

Whilst I would spend a looong time writing down all of my ideas, I fear that I may have already gone on for too long. So, if you are willing to listen some more, I would appreciate a reply, even if its to tell me to shush! :lol: Regardless, I hope that you all have a pleasant day, and keep up the fantastic work.

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Joined: Sun Jan 25, 2015 10:49 pm

Re: Dear 11 Bit Studios

Postby Borys » Mon Jan 26, 2015 2:03 pm

Guys are working on a new content for the next patch as we speak. I'm not supposed to reveal anything yet but you should be satisfied. ;)
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Re: Dear 11 Bit Studios

Postby VON » Mon Jan 26, 2015 5:36 pm

Thank you for the reply! :D

I must say that you now have me very excited for the near future! With that in mind, I think I'll stay quiet until the patch is out, and then I might throw another idea onto this post. If you don't mind me asking, is there an approximate date of release, or do I have to wait for the surprise? :P

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Re: Dear 11 Bit Studios

Postby Borys » Mon Jan 26, 2015 5:39 pm

I'm affraid it's too early to give you the exact date. But we're talking this century. ;)
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Re: Dear 11 Bit Studios

Postby VON » Mon Jan 26, 2015 5:49 pm

Curses! I might forget my ideas by 2115! :lol:
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Re: Dear 11 Bit Studios

Postby VON » Sun Feb 01, 2015 11:15 pm

Dear 11 Bit, Studios,

So, as it turns out, I'm a lot more impatient than I thought, and I can no longer contain myself :P. So, I feel like throwing a couple more ideas out onto this post, for anybody who is interested.

Characters - Interaction

So, to start off, whilst I find that all of the characters are very reactive, I feel like perhaps they could be more interactive. For this to be expressed effectively, I believe that I will need to fabricate a hypothetical character.

So, let me introduce a character, who we shall dub 'Johann' (mainly because it is similar to my own name, and I lack creativity in naming :|). This character happens to have a characteristic called 'Intimidation'. This characteristic can be utilised in trades. If a trade were to be initiated, and this character were to be trading, an extra icon would appear in the characters' inventory, with the same title as the aforementioned trait. Should this be used, and depending on the type of NPC that is trading, barter prices could perhaps be lowered, raised, or possibly broken down into a hostile situation. Furthermore, if this ability is used, poor Johann would lose happiness, more noticeably from repeated use. Also, this would prevent Katia from trading, so this skill presents an opportunity cost that may or may not be beneficial in the longer run.

This theoretical trait is the crux of the idea - I think that the characters ought to have options such as this, should they ever be needed. A similar example would be the (dubious) idea of prostitution, although I am well aware that this idea crosses lines, to the point of not being implemented. Regardless, utilities that specifically involve the characters, I feel, would add a further sense of depth to the game.

Characters - Synergies

My other idea is that over time, I believe that the characters should gain lesser variants of the available characteristics, either through interaction with characters, or through the repetition of activities. For example, should a character cook meals repeatedly, they could gain a weaker form of 'Good Cook', such that they have improved, but are not necessarily better than the character who has the original trait, which in this scenario would be Bruno. I feel that this would certainly benefit runs where characters may not have particularly strong traits of their own, and would also provide another level of character development. However, the time that is required to ascertain these 'synergies' should be long, say a month. Whilst this may sound pointless, considering the duration of the average game, this time frame is a hint to another, larger scale idea that I may one day post.

Unfortunately, from this point on any future ideas will begin to delve into the hypothetical, and very few remain to be 'realistic', relative to the current game. However, should I once again fell compelled, more ideas may indeed leak onto this post. On another note, I currently stand at 3 completed playthroughs, and 1 failed run. I am now in the process of playing the feared Marko only run, and I find that it is actually a rather welcome change of gameplay style, not to mention a very good challenge! :) And so, I will stop, and once again hope that you have a good day.

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Re: Dear 11 Bit Studios

Postby madooeiei » Fri Feb 24, 2017 7:30 am

we're talking this century. ;)
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Re: Dear 11 Bit Studios

Postby wimspree » Mon Jun 13, 2022 1:40 pm

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Re: Dear 11 Bit Studios

Postby wimspree » Sun Oct 09, 2022 2:35 am

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