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In game prostitution mechanic?

In game prostitution mechanic?

Postby Ghost13 » Sun Dec 28, 2014 8:45 pm

Prostitution – there is even the brothel in the game so why female characters can’t sell their body for food\recourses with moral penalty? That would bring nice pitch to passive game plays with most females. Some female characters should fell less upset for doing prostitution and some may be broken from just once. Also it depends on character age and sex appeal the amount of resources that can be earned by selling your body:
1. Katia – gets x2.0 double loot, but gets badly depressed\broken afterwards. Can do multiple times.
2. Arica – gets x0.8 of loot than other characters, but only get reduced moral penalty and can work mutiple times. So basically she can work as prostitute several times. However if there is a Roman in same team he get upset with Arica selling herself and beats her up and she will appear slightly wounded or wounded after each time she goes to brothel for work where Roman is present, also Roman get depressed too.
3. Cveta – gets 0 loot, refused by pimp as too old and ugly, get one can of food as act of pity and depressed from it. Will refuse to attemp interact with the pimp again.
4. Emilla – gets x1.5 loot get sad afterwards but refuse to do this ever again.
5. Zlata – gets x1.0 standard loot, get depressed afterwards, can do mutliple times.

All girls also get very tired penalty for working as prostitutes (exempt Cveta), they can only work if they are healthy slightly wounded or slightly ill with x-0.2 penalty to the loot if character not healthy i.e. slightly wounded and slightly ill Katia will only get 1.6 loot and for Arica it will be just x0.4 loot. Working as prostitute will worsen slightly wounded or slightly ill conditions. Other characters may get slight moral penalty for allowing their female frineds to sell themself for food and resources. Similar to killing some characters gets more affected by this some less. The moral penalty for other characters seeing thir friend selling herself shuld be less than from killing. No more than Sad.
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Re: In game prostitution mechanic?

Postby Mr_Daddy_Pants » Sun Dec 28, 2014 9:22 pm

Nah, that's boring. How about those kids who come asking for meds for their mother. You capture those and sell them ass child sex slaves, girl to brothel, and boy to the priest?
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Re: In game prostitution mechanic?

Postby Galdis » Mon Dec 29, 2014 3:09 am

I actually think this would be an interesting mechanic, but it's a bit too dark and controversial. Feminists would poop their pants.
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Re: In game prostitution mechanic?

Postby Ghost13 » Mon Dec 29, 2014 4:32 am

I actually think this would be an interesting mechanic, but it's a bit too dark and controversial. Feminists would poop their pants.

Well the game is already 18+ adding the prostitution as purely text event probably would not affect this in any way. Doing this is purely on discretion of the player and in the real world war crisis this things happens that add realism and role-playing for the game. Character personal sacrifice of her dignity for the rest of the team would have the food to live another day, that is something worth implementing. And for the controversy the whole game topic itself is pretty controversial. So more controversy – more sales. Many people would buy the game just to get his “Pogoren Whore” achievement trophy :)
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Re: In game prostitution mechanic?

Postby skidmarx » Tue Dec 30, 2014 4:31 pm

I agree with everything said, about Prostitutes and child slavers. And how it is probably all too dark and controversial.

Based on what I've been reading, it seems the shelter survivors are all too fundamentally nice.
Because, even in "civilised" New Orleans, after Hurricane Katrina, people were "selling children to get stuff". It seems beyond comprehension that such things would even be considered, never mind actually happen, in such an "advanced country".

I think the truth about what really happens in these sort of survival situations, is way beyond what our sheltered minds could cope with. TWOM already shows and educates, revealing some of the moral questions, without making the player feel too bad about them.

But I fear that while both prostitution and child slavery are (for certain) real, it is probably more than this "morally nice" game can handle.

And yet, when faced with "the brink" of illness, injury, and starvation, adding more options to the "what would you do? / How far would you go?" question seems highly appropriate.
Perhaps prostitution is preferrable to stealing from old folk, or killing some bandits. We already have murder as an option to choose. Prostitution feels... less bad than that. Child slavery is perhaps a step too far.

If anyone can add these elements in a "positive, sensitive way", I think 11 bit Studios can.
But I suspect it is a step too far into the abyss.

I'm also thinking about what the destitute and homeless advertise on their cardboard begging signs, revealing what they would do for food and money.... and that's in the middle of a non-war zone, where they are constrained by civility of what the comfortable people all around them will tolerate. I wonder what they would write, if all limits of decorum were removed?
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Re: In game prostitution mechanic?

Postby Ghost13 » Tue Dec 30, 2014 6:08 pm

I also think that child slavery fits badly into the setting and gameplay mechanic. I guess that this comment was a dark joke. Personally I think this game need prostitution as an important message of war survival. The very reason I want this into the game is following: Normally players would not reserve for prostitution as long as they have other means of scavenging or trading. So usual player would not even consider it as viable option to get resources (unless he is just fooling around), but as the situation worsen and the condition of the group detiorate, selling one of the group members for sex might be the only way to survive by the last days or the war or recover from major downfall. This gives the dark bittersweet ending for the game where all characters are survived and more or less happy but the person who was engaged in prostitution left permanently damaged from this experience. The player’s feelings about this are also very important from the whole game perception. I believe this makes the message of the game a lot stronger, and add the notch of scary realism, it also would be fairly easy to implement as there is no need for new characters or locations just the dialogues and maybe few new arts. I strongly encourage the developers at least consider adding this option to their game.
It would also be nice to add the rape scenario where some of the weaker female characters might be raped during the night raid if left alone (even on guard duty) and unarmed, making the player feel responsible for not protecting his characters.
This minor changes will improve the game experience significantly. As for the controversy, it is not like the game encourage you to do any of this, quite the opposite it will also increase the game publicity for more sales.
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Re: In game prostitution mechanic?

Postby skidmarx » Thu Jan 01, 2015 6:53 pm

You have the prostitution mechanic well thought out. I agree it would fit the whole "emotional mood" of the shelter very well.

The possibility of rape during a raid would take that even further. But again, that might be step too far, making the average player feel too uncomfortable about not being able to control such a violent event. As it is, the raids can be quite devastating, if people get wounded and critical resources are stolen. There is enough violation already, but perhaps the negative emotional effects could be increased depending on the "vulnerability" of the survivors. Make the women feel frightened and nervous, and more easily depressed, for example.

There might also be scope for a "working girl" character to join the shelter. Why not already have a prostitute who is able to work with no negative effects? The rest of the shelter occupants might not like her so much, so it adds scope for new conflicts within the shelter. And what might the benefits be? Rewarded with goods? Better bargaining rates with Franko? Paying him "in kind", as it were...

Child Slavery was mentioned on the War Child website, so it is no joke. It is very real, and quite shocking to see how quickly far too many people will sink to such depths. But I also cannot see how the mechanic would fit into this game. Holding kids at the shelter, waiting for a trader to turn up, would just be awkward. How do you restrain them? Do you feed them? Do you treat their illness and injury? Do you spent resources to maintain their trade value, or take pity and let them go?
But that's the whole point of this game: asking how far would you go?
Personally, I'm beginning to find that if the choice is between dying or stealing a can of food or a bandage from an old couple, I'd probably go stealing. Prostitution is probably also well within the scope of acceptable, so I'd quite like to see the negative long-term emotional damage it could do, without having to live through it myself.
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Re: In game prostitution mechanic?

Postby Ghost13 » Thu Jan 01, 2015 7:55 pm

You have the prostitution mechanic well thought out.

I actually thought that the game will have this thing when I saw the Brothel location and it's decription so I went there with Katia to try out and was surprised that there is only usual barter awailable. Prostitution shuld be there giving the dark tone of the game and overall tought moral choises feel. Having a callgirl character, I guess it will make things just too easy, but it sound interesting to see whole confilct in the group where other suvivors are disgusted of the ex-call girl character althought she is doing this for the whole team.

Child Slavery was mentioned on the War Child website, so it is no joke.

Yes, I agree, child slavery although very real in event of crysis and war fits badly into the game overall mechainc by the very reasons you have outlined.

The possibility of rape during a raid would take that even further. But again, that might be step too far, making the average player feel too uncomfortable about not being able to control such a violent event.

You might be right that this is wandering into really dark territory, but thats the whole point of rape episode, where player totaly not expecting it, and then sudenly it just happened and prerry much fine and sound group of suvivors nearly ruined just by the one night where character have benn left alone without proper weapons and protection, I think it might only happend where is only women in the shelter with no weapons and it will probably only apply to weaker girls such as Katia, Emila and Zlata. Where Arica and Cveta can't be raped since the first one is too tought and Cveta is too old to be sexappeal.
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Re: In game prostitution mechanic?

Postby Borys » Mon Jan 12, 2015 5:45 pm

Those are trully interesting concepts but no, thank you. We've set certain moral restrictions we're not going to cross.
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Re: In game prostitution mechanic?

Postby Ghost13 » Tue Jan 13, 2015 5:39 pm

Well, I was half serous when I was outlining this suggestions, but I understand your point, the game topic itself it controversial already. Thank you for reading this. We are all just wait for mod support so maybe we can do such things on our own. The Child slavery mod, Prostitution e.t.c. :)
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