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Ideas + suggestions

Re: My opinion on the game

Postby Slimsta » Mon Nov 17, 2014 11:36 pm

That is actually quite funny how you want the complete opposite. I will stick with wanting multiplayer along with my mates. They can still concentrate on other aspects of the game.
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Re: Great work, 11bits! (+few reports)

Postby admin » Mon Nov 17, 2014 11:47 pm

@Jolly Roger
Thanks! Adding that to ideas and suggestions topic - we'll surely dig.

There was an update fixing few tech issues + glitches on Linux today.
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Re: Ideas + suggestions

Postby Alamand » Tue Nov 18, 2014 3:47 am

1. I think one of the best things to add to the game right now would be keyboard shortcuts. They're incredibly easy to implement and would go a long way to making the game control more smoothly.

Off the top of my head the ones I'd like to see the most would be number keys to quick select survivors during the day, WASD to move the camera, and a button to toggle/cycle scavenge mode and combat modes.

If you wanted to get really crazy you could add keys that send the selected character to the nearest unoccupied workshop or piece of furniture that corresponds to that key, but I think the return on investment would be lower for that.

2. I've seen a lot of people asking for an endless war mode, which would be nice, but I think a point-buy start would also be cool.

You could start out by selecting a difficulty which would determine your starting points, with a range of something like easy/sandbox - infinite points to impossible - 0 points and however many in-between.

From there you could spend points on characters with the stronger ones costing more and the useless ones being either close to free or maybe even giving you more points since a lot of them are kinda dead weight.

You could even spend/earn points by adjusting game settings like bandit aggressiveness, how much loot is in your starting shelter, war duration, summer/winter start, starting health/injuries and probably a bunch of other stuff I can't think of right now.

3. More time wasters in the shelter. Right now there's really nothing to do with more than 3 survivors, and even the 3rd can easily run out of things to do.

A lot of these would work like the guitar where there's no set time limit they just produce results as you do them.

Weight lifting: increases carry weight, the more you've gained from this the harder the next point will be.

Component sorting: occasionally gives you more components, the idea being you're sorting them so you can use them more efficiently, making what you have go further.

Firewood chopping: turns 1 wood into 2 fuel at the expense of taking a lot more time than regular crafting.

I'm not sure how balanced any of these are, but it would be nice to have more to do in the shelter.
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Re: Ideas + suggestions

Postby uberSnow » Tue Nov 18, 2014 9:29 am

The game is too difficult at times. When I first loaded up the game and begun I was just thrown in, not sure on what to do and had to restart about 5 times in 2 hours.

You are taking it wrong, do you think you would be mentally prepared and well informed from the start when an war just happen in real life? Which I don't wish to anybody of course. ;)

I like the game it is, with consequences of your movements or just mistakes - it makes you regret your sins. Like miss-clicking on a stash in a hospital when someone is around - you will be threaten as a thief even if you didn't really meant to. It's what people think, what they see at the first place, we all are hastily judged on daily basis, so why shouldn't we be in the game?
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Re: Ideas + suggestions

Postby uberSnow » Tue Nov 18, 2014 9:54 am

Early return from scavenging

I'm not sure if there are any advantages of early returns from night scavenging runs. I think there should be some, like less chance of base attacks or it could affect our character to not be that tired after the run as normally - this could work in both ways. When a character use full night for scavenge it could make him twice much tired and exhausted.

Possibility to not leave the house for a night

I had some situations when whole of my team was in bad shape, highly injured or tired after rough night attacks and so.
Shouldn't be there a possibility to not send anyone for night scavenging in case of defending our base camp?
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Re: Ideas + suggestions

Postby zedsdead » Tue Nov 18, 2014 10:16 am


you already can stay at the shelter...just put everyone in guard or sleep mode and press the stay button...
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Re: Great work, 11bits! (+few reports)

Postby Jolly Roger » Tue Nov 18, 2014 10:58 am

admin wrote:@Jolly Roger
Thanks! Adding that to ideas and suggestions topic - we'll surely dig.

There was an update fixing few tech issues + glitches on Linux today.

Thanks to you, guys!
Keep up the good work!

I see there is a post about hotkeys. It is exactly what I want to write about, so I’ll try to expand it a bit.
First of all, game needs hotkey for all character. 1-4 and/or F1-F4 is de facto standard nowadays. Doubleclick on these keys will center screen on character.
Of course, tooltips need hotkey help msg.
The same is for take, trade and craft widows. At least [+][-] hotkeys would be helpful.

Also, there is couple of issues with furniture:
(control, interface) I am not sure about it for 100%, because confirmation msgs are annoying, but I missclicked and destroyed a bed. Maybe “are you sure?” msg for build furniture would be helpful?
(objects, low priority) It isn’t very important, but ability to move furniture would be really helpful. It is strange that I can’t move that annoying chair without disassembling it into pieces. But, as I said, it is low priority suggestion.

About 2+ characters during the scavenge missions. I am sure, devs thought about it during the development, but current state of control requires South Korean Starcraft gosu level skill. ^_^
So, until it fixed, one character per mission is good variant. Gameplay over realism is 99% right decision.
Jolly Roger
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Joined: Mon Nov 17, 2014 8:37 am

Re: My opinion on the game

Postby zero » Tue Nov 18, 2014 11:30 am

zedsdead wrote:funny how different opinions can be...

1) please NO multiplayer, please concentrate all the available ressources on updates and adding content(locations, longer war, more randomness) and fixes for the singleplayer.

2) please make the game harder, most of the time its too easy too acquire ressources-

Thanks, this game is a real gem.

THAT. What he/she said. :)

antonio wrote:this message is for 11 bit studios, do you in poland speak russian? if so, is a chaime because in BRASIL THEY SPEAK PORTUGUESE, there are no brasilian language, so i recomende to change that in the game:this war of mine. THANKS FOR NOTHING.

Dear Devs, I think what this (slightly drunk?) person is trying to communicate is that there's actually no language called "Brazilian" or "Brasileiro". What does exist is a subset of Portuguese (from Portugal - PT-PT) that's called "Português do Brasil" or "Brazilian Portuguese" (PT-BR). All this, of course, for who actually cares about formal correctness. I'm portuguese (PT-PT) and I prefer to play in Portuguese of my language. The brazilian text has some spelling errors, but I'm sure It'll be revised in due course.
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Re: Great work, 11bits! (+few reports)

Postby Alamand » Tue Nov 18, 2014 8:12 pm

Jolly Roger wrote:(control, interface) I am not sure about it for 100%, because confirmation msgs are annoying, but I missclicked and destroyed a bed. Maybe “are you sure?” msg for build furniture would be helpful?

I definitely wouldn't mind a confirmation for using the ax on furniture you've placed, I'm actually amazed I haven't lost anything to it yet. Or they could add the ability to toggle the ax on or off in your home base so the chop icon goes away entirely if you don't need it.
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Re: Great work, 11bits! (+few reports)

Postby Jolly Roger » Wed Nov 19, 2014 7:54 am

Alamand wrote:
Jolly Roger wrote:(control, interface) I am not sure about it for 100%, because confirmation msgs are annoying, but I missclicked and destroyed a bed. Maybe “are you sure?” msg for build furniture would be helpful?

I definitely wouldn't mind a confirmation for using the ax on furniture you've placed, I'm actually amazed I haven't lost anything to it yet. Or they could add the ability to toggle the ax on or off in your home base so the chop icon goes away entirely if you don't need it.

Thats right. Because new icon (axe it to pieces) doesn't add to 'use', but change relocate firt one. It means, you are used to click at specified place, then you got axe, clicked at used place and %%&#*& :cry: !!!!

EDIT: additional suggestion bout controls.
(CONTROLS, INTERFACE) Nearly all controlls are in "grasp" of mouse, except for pause. :? If the game is mouse only (that is wron, as I think) pause/resume icons should be inside the game. Also, as mentioned before, active pause is must have for the game.
Jolly Roger
Posts: 19
Joined: Mon Nov 17, 2014 8:37 am


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