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Strategically posts your thoughts here. Briefing: this is a strategic-to-the-bone, starfleet command game with a heavy focus on multiplayer.


Postby Reiz3N » Thu Aug 28, 2014 1:04 pm


I'll start with forum suggestions cuz there are not special section for this. That's 1st suggestion - make one.

I'll write in English though i'm Pole cuz I there are no language specified sections and no threads with rules (which language I could use and where) or at least I couldn't find any. That's 2nd suggestion - make one.

I almost gave up this thread and intention to help cuz your forum-registration system is really annoying. I completly understand you need anty-bot system, but use something like "How much is three plus five? Divide that by two and write answer" not what games your studio hasn't released yet. How am I supposed to know? That's first game I'm playin from your studio. I had to check forum for these - twice. Cities in England aren't best idea too. That's 3rd suggestion - change it. Or you'll lost a lot of community support.

And at last game. 1 error and 2 suggestions.

1. There is no scallin for game summary when you are playin in window mode 1024x768.

2. I would really appreciate descriptions for battle stations, kinetic shields etc. Even "press alt to see description" and "Battle stations gives better defense to your planet ble ble ble". Same thing with fleets. And same thing with planets, why I can build ship at one and not at others? I should know it 10 seconds I start my first game. I know most of it is shown in missions (which should be described as tutorial or at least info "Play it first!") but this is so important thing that should be accessible at any moment.
3. I don't know if you tried to make everything minimalist, but you really should change icons of fleets, they are way too similar to each other.

Hope this will help. If I see anything else and got any ideas I'll post them here.

EDIT: I think that thing with not scallin attachment size is obvious thing to change.
game summary.png
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Re: Suggestions

Postby Reiz3N » Thu Aug 28, 2014 1:17 pm

And some clear and big info about where (email adress?) to send crash info would be great too. I know this is thing i could find, but you should learn that help from players/testers is something you need and you should make it easiest to them as possible.
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Re: Suggestions

Postby admin » Tue Sep 02, 2014 6:35 pm

Be sure the devs read this topic. I made sure they read your feedback. Maaaany thanks for that!

Also, I think this e-mail would be best for further communication:
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Re: Suggestions

Postby puma101 » Wed Sep 17, 2014 8:46 pm

Hey fun game so far but on top of adding descriptions for things like kinetic shields as stated above I think you guys need to look up the definition of LOOSE which means the opposite of tight and appears multiple times as "loosing battle" and then replace it with what you guys meant to put in which is LOSE as in the opposite of winning. Anyway it's a super easy mistake to fix but definitely helps to give off a better image of quality.

Otherwise I'm having fun with it so far but it's just that little mistake that's so common on forums especially among foreign english speakers which is fine except when it's on a product which lowers the perceived quality.
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Re: Suggestions

Postby admin » Fri Sep 19, 2014 11:56 am

Many thanks :)
Passed that to the devs.
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Re: Suggestions

Postby CakeGreat » Tue Oct 21, 2014 3:00 am

One suggestion I'd like to make is somehow turn off the flashing blue/teal lines in the background of the game/map. It actually makes me sick to my stomach and dizzy so I really can't play :(
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Re: Suggestions

Postby bromstarzan » Sun Dec 07, 2014 11:41 pm

Hi all!

First, 2 thumbs up to the devs for delivering such a fun, addictive and well balanced game. I love the simplicity of SPACECOM (SC) and the total control it places in the gamers hands. Also, the GUI is spot on, with a very smooth flow of things presented nicely with a "spacey look" and good soundtracks. I actually made a very similar game for myself a couple of years ago, although not near the final product of SC :D. It is now one of my favorite games on my HD.

Now, I'm not sure how ambitious you are when it comes to improving the game even further (especially based on user feedback). I do however feel that I must express some of my views at this point as I see I will play this game for a long time:

1. Please look into some of the texts describing missions and systems etc. Typos in a couple of places and one I can report right here:
It subtracts unnecessary points from a brilliant game.

2. A "Save game" option! I got 2 kids that limit my free time and I am also a "slow-paced" player, so even the 40-60 min games can take me 2-3 hours to finish. And I like it that way, adding a "Save game" option would let me expand/explore my strategic moves instead of skipping and rushing through. The replay value is good, but when I need to quit I wont ever know if my preparation/build-up would have delivered :( .

3. Editor! Create your own Starsystems (maps) and Opponents! At least, some "generator" would be really nifty! Some type of Sandbox version of this game would elevate the content even further.

4. Option to turn off the in-game occasional flashing/scrolling background (as mentioned above; can be irritating).

Thanks for reading and again; thanks for a great game!
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Re: Suggestions

Postby flap » Sun Dec 14, 2014 4:30 pm

Also, SpaceCom would benefit from some work on the multiplayer organisation. Right now, we can't chat with other player to ask what kind of game they want (or just warn them that we arrived in the room), nor see how manys players are around when proposing to host a game.
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Re: Suggestions

Postby malakoza » Fri Mar 27, 2015 6:42 pm

Czy ktoś to może napisać w jezyku polskim?
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